Our strong belief and commitment to continuously improve energy efficiency, lowering our environmental footprint and partnering on innovative approaches that benefits a healthy planet are imperatives we can no longer ignore.

Putting the principles of sustainability and responsibility into practice means being accountable for environmental impacts in every aspect of what we do. We strive to have a direct, measurable impact in the communities which we operate.

Sustainability for Airmarine means we aim to deliver innovative supply chain solutions with minimal impact on the environment through active engagement with our customers to implement best practices.


At Airmarine, we promote integrity as an everyday behaviour. We believe acting ethically and responsibly is not only the right thing to do, but our integrity and reputation depend on our ability to do the right thing.

Airmarine is committed to comply with applicable government laws, rules and regulations of local governments and other appropriate regulatory agencies and we will carry our responsibilities honestly, in good faith and with integrity, due care and diligence.

Everyone at Airmarine will continue to uphold the highest levels of business ethics and personal integrity in all our transactions and interactions.


Airmarine is driven to build and empower its team to deliver services of inspirational standards with absolute commitment to quality management systems.

We are led by passion to benchmark Airmarine to international standards as a reliable and sophisticated global supply chain network partner with customer satisfaction as the key requirement to entrench our constant growth.

Airmarine is steadfastly committed to provide a cultured environment with continuous improvement towards excellence both professionally and personally for our people, partners and customers.


Airmarine is committed to operating at the highest standards of corporate governance. Responsible business is how we do business.

Serving all stakeholders and implementation of commitment to corporate governance principles ensures we focus our activities on sustainable value creation and culture conforming to recognised standards of good corporate governance and policy of transparent communication.


Identifying, analysing and responding appropriately to business risks is vital to our business objectives, protecting the interests of stakeholders and meeting legal requirements.

Our business units conduct annual risk assessment and develop processes for identifying and managing material risks which is integral to our overall business plans.
We aim to avoid situations where personal interests conflict, or even appear to conflict, with the interests of Airmarine.